Welcome to Intuitive Tarot!

Whether you are brand new, or a seasoned reader – learn to connect to the tarot in YOUR OWN way - from Day 1!

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Subscribe now for IMMEDIATE access!

Learning the tarot is exciting and intriguing....and yet it can also be overwhelming to learn and often people give up. Or get confused or discouraged.  I know I did! 

Having been drawn to the tarot for years, and been on the receiving end of many readings since my mid-twenties, I wanted to learn how.  So I bought my first tarot deck (that came with a book) and I eagerly started to dive right in.  I opened it as soon as I got home and thought “This is going to be so much FUN!”

I just wanted to get going and “get to the good stuff” but my enthusiasm quickly waned as the fun I wanted to have from learning the tarot seemed so far away from where I was. 

I quickly found out that there was so much to LEARN before I felt I could even get started. 

I found myself asking....

"What is the structure of the tarot?  Why do I need to know the history?  Major Arcana what?  Plus a Minor Arcana too?  What even is an arcana and why does it matter?  And wait, are cards supposed to be represent people or not?  Is this a good card or a bad card?  How can one card have so many meanings?  And when it comes out reversed, does that mean it’s bad?  Or does that mean it’s important?  Or does it depend?

My head was spinning!  How was I ever supposed to figure it out? 

Not long after I enthusiastically bought my first deck, did I put it back on the shelf and gave up.  I stayed away for a while.  A long while, actually.

Fast forward… thousands of individual readings, and over 15 million views (and counting) of my YouTube videos later….I guess you could say I figured it out.

But it didn’t start that way! 

In fact, I almost gave up totally.  But I am SO glad I didn’t!

Now, I’ve taken my many years’ worth of trial and error, mistakes and confusion, combined it with the experience of having done thousands of readings, and created the course I would have loved at the start of my journey

Whether you are brand new, or a seasoned reader – learn to connect to the tarot in YOUR OWN way - from Day 1!

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How would you like to....

  • Do an accurate reading for yourself on DAY 1 without knowing ANYTHING about the cards?
  • Discover how a 78 card deck can become your best ally as you journey through your life!
  • Develop a confidence in your intuitive gifts and even open up to new ones
  • Feel a sense of security knowing you have secret tool to help guide you in a confusing world
  • Know that when you’re facing any uncertainty, that you can actually tap into your unconscious to reveal your inner knowing
  • Uncover what’s hidden and what you’re meant to learn in any situation
  • Tap into universal higher consciousness and receive guidance for your highest and best


If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, THIS is the course for you!

"Never in a million years did I ever think I'd be signing up for a tarot course or watching tarot videos on YouTube. But my boss got me hooked on Erika and the moment I saw her announce the Intuitive Tarot course I knew I was meant to do it. Zero hesitation which is rare for me. I just finished this morning and while I'm definitely not a master yet, I already feel like I've finally found the guidance I've been searching my whole life for. Anxiety be gone! The videos are easy to understand, and the lessons are organized in a way that makes sense. There's a sense of fun and joy throughout with a small laugh here and there which makes it approachable. I will absolutely take classes from Erika again. "


Here's just SOME of what you'll learn in the course modules


What is Intuitive Tarot?

My tarot philosophy

How to simplify your tarot learning process



The structure of the Rider Waite tarot

Understanding The Fool's Journey - The Major Arcana

The Minor Arcana - Suits, numbers & court cards

The meanings of all 78 tarot cards


Create a sacred space

Intention & protection

How to formulate the right question

How to stay neutral

How fears can affect a reading


How to choose a spread

When to clarify

Reading reversals


Layouts and demonstration of the 4 most helpful tarot spreads

Demonstration of my special technique for how you can do your first accurate reading NOW without knowing anything


How to further expand your tarot knowledge

Different interpretations of the tarot

Tarot symbolism

How to use the tarot to help make decisions

..... PLUS even more!



Intuitive Tarot Online Course

Only $199!

IMMEDIATE access to over 10 hours of teaching videos!  PLUS....

Major & Minor Arcana quick reference sheets

Common spreads PDF

Over 55 of the most important symbols within the tarot and their meanings

Intuitive tarot journal template

Lifetime access (to take as long as you need)

List of my favorite tarot decks

Yes, I want to start now!

""I've loved the tarot for decades but never felt confident in my ability to accurately read the cards. I tend to get too caught up in my head, doubt any messages I receive and then reach for a book whose interpretations don't always feel right. Erika's course provided guidance on how and why it's important to set up a sacred space prior to a reading, how to ask more effective questions, techniques for noticing the nuances in each card (and among the various card decks), the importance of listening to messages from my guides, etc. More importantly, the course helped me learn how to trust my intuition so that I feel more confident in my ability to read the tarot. Such a great course!" "


Frequently asked questions

This is a foundational course that gives a solid base of understanding of the tarot.  Whether you’ve never touched a tarot card before, or if you’ve been doing readings for a while, this course will further your understanding of the tarot.

For beginners, this is the only course you’ll need to get a broad range of knowing and you’re off and running!

For intermediate level, this is a great refresher to not get stuck in the tarot “rut” of always interpreting the same meanings in the cards.  It’s good to stop, learn a new approach that broadens your work.  In fact, when creating this course, I even learned more.  It’s never ending!

Absolutely!  We are all born with the ability to tap into the higher realms of intuition, it’s just that some of us are more practiced in learning how to trust it.  Tarot is a great way to discover how YOUR intuition brings you messages.  It’s an ability that’s there in everyone, and the sooner you can become aware of it, the sooner it can help you in your life. 

YES!  This is one of the best things about this course.  While I teach all the basics to give you the “knowledge” the foundation of this course is to learn to read INTUITIVELY, not intellectually.  Your first day you can do a reading for yourself using my special technique (I teach and demonstrate in the course) even if you haven’t “studied” anything!  I even demonstrate this technique with my daughter to show how well it works.  ;). And of course, the more you learn over time about the meanings of the cards, the more it will help, but it’s not a requirement in order to read intuitively.  In fact, sometimes it’s even better the less you know.  ;)

The tarot is an ever evolving and multi-dimensional tool, that evolves as we do.  If you’re here and reading this, there’s something that has drawn you here.   Even though I’ve been doing this for years, I am always learning more and expanding my knowledge, and this course will certainly do that.  Even creating this course I learned so much in going back to the basics, which helped me see new things myself.  While some of the material is familiar to you, each tarot reader has their own flavor and style, and this course helps you to develop YOUR relationship with the tarot.  Sometimes, hearing about another person’s intuitive process can help expand our own.  It can enhance our own practice and discover things we hadn’t considered.  As with anything, follow your heart.    

The entire course is available immediately upon purchase and you can go as fast or as slow as you want!  I do recommend taking the videos in order, to help avoid any possible confusion as I do teach building upon what is taught in earlier videos.  But because this is YOUR tarot journey, you can certainly feel free to watch them as you feel called.  :)

There are approximately 10 hours of videos, plus other materials and posts.

Payments are processed through either PayPal or Stripe, and are in US dollars.  Depending on your country’s currency, payment will exchange at the current rate at time of purchase.  Due to the immediate availability of the digital content, course registration is non-refundable and for single license only.

Currently, there is no closed caption functionality in the videos.  However, many of the teaching videos are of me on camera, so if you are adept at lip reading, you could participate.  The videos where that is not possible as I’m not on camera are the ones where I explain the meanings of the cards, and also the demonstrations I do.    Those are filmed with the camera on the cards directly.  That said, while there are a lot of videos with me on camera, some of the most important teaching videos would not be helpful without closed captioning.  Do stay tuned though as I’m investigating options for this in the future.

Ready to get started? Get IMMEDIATE access now!

About Erika

Erika's passion is awakening souls to the magic of who they are, what they are here to do, and to live the life they were designed to live. Erika's awakening began when she personally experienced her own healing of an "incurable" disease, which ignited a passion for sharing with others the incredible possibilities of the human body to heal itself through physical, emotional and spiritual practices. Embodying a balanced blend of clinical and scientific, along with an intimate understanding of universal laws, energy and consciousness practices, Erika's unique gift allows her to introduce these principles and techniques to a vast range of people. Having spent the last several years traveling the globe, speaking to audiences of thousands of people about health, science, and research, Erika's work is shifting back into what the collective consciousness is yearning for ..... true healing, meaning, and living an abundant life free from fear and limitations. Using a blend of naturopathy, energy healing, spiritual counseling, channeling and intuitive guidance, Erika's expertise spans multiple disciplines, which share the same common thread ~ applying universal consciousness and principles to all aspects of life. To your health, within your family and your children, in your intimate love relationship, and to your soul.


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